Forrester’s Fly Bench Fishing Report 3/9/2018.


Forrester’s Fly Bench Fishing Report

Fishing Report 3/9/2018.   It’s hot and getting hotter!  Sort of….  But 40 degrees beats the pants off 5 degrees. 


River Data:

River flow: 4,990 cfs

Water Temp: 36 F

Bighorn Basin Snow Pack: 113% and rising.

Not much has changed in two weeks.  The fishing is steady.  On a scale of 1 to 10 we would give it a 7.  The trout aren’t extremely aggressive, but they are eating.  The weather is finally warming up!  So shed those down jackets and get out there.  Nothing beats off cabin fever like a few trout and a good boat lean with all your fishing buddies to kick off the fishing season.

Hot Flies:

Nymphs: Sow Bugs, Scuds and Midges

Method:  7.5 foot 4x or stronger leader to one BB and a B split shot.  1ft or so to the first fly and1ft or so to the second fly.

Size 14-18 Grey Ray Charles

Size 14-18 Tan Ray Charles

Size 12-16 Orange Scud

Size 12-16 Natural Scud

Size 16-20 Black Zebra Midge

Size 16-20 Red Zebra Midge

Size 18-20 Tongue Teaser Midge

Fish the deep water spots and play around with your weight.  The dense cold water can be play tricks on your drift when your targeting trout in deeper water.  Once you start hitting them in a hole leave the weight the same and fish the same kind of water all the way to the ramp. This time of year the trout find a water condition they like and stick to it and so should you.

Dry Flies: Midges

Method:  9 foot 5x leader to the top fly.  1ft or so leader to the second fly.

Size 18-20 Midge patterns

Size 18-20 Griffith’s Gnat

Size 18-20 Midge Cluster

Size 18-20 Student

Size 18-20 Adams

We’re still waiting on Baetis.  This warm weather coming might get them moving around a little bit for now go loaded with midges in your box.  Keep your eyes glued to the soft water deep seam lines for slow sipping trout.

Streamers:  Working ok.

Method:  4-6 foot 0x or stronger leader to your first fly and 1-2 feet to your bottom fly.

Colors:  White, olive, black, brown, red and yellow

The emerald shiner is still in play on the Bighorn River.  I’ve heard reports from many folks that the same Emerald shiner patterns that were working last spring are producing big time in the deep slow holes.  That means those Emerald shiners have stuck it out through the winter and trout are still looking for them.  Get out there and strip!

Happy Early Spring Fishing from Forrester’s Bighorn River Resort!
